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생각의씨앗/매일을 기록

링글 화상 영어 복습

by 그네* 2024. 8. 15.


actually I really love to work at coffee shop but my company strictly ask employee work at company. so, in this company I never experienced working at home or other places. so that's why I want to work at other places

. so that's why I want to work at other places


주요 표현

So being forbidden from working away from the office makes me want to do it more.
Not having permission to work remotely drives me to want to work remotely. (formal)
on the weekend, if I have to work, then I definitely go to local coffee shop
발음 주의


in English, if the last letter is E, we don't pronounce the Epush the air out of your mouth to stop the E soundif the word ends in Y, then you make an E soundbreath inhappy
새로운 표현 - Poke around

I open the fridge ,

I end up poking around my house
to poke around: to look around for anything, you want a distraction store: No thank you, I'm just looking. / No thank you, I'm just poking around.
I usually explore new coffee shop, so I love to face new atmospher to make me refresh. I prefer to go to the coffee shop which has small and calm peaceful music.

to go to the coffee shop which has small and calm peaceful music.

I go to an independent, local coffee shop


not a chain


the owners are from you city
long distance between each table. that kind of thing makes me relaxed. I, so that makes me more, that makes me more productive and creative.

long distance between each table.

I prefer there to be a lot of distance between tables.
Actually im quite sensitive about caffeine, I have a time limit. before two ocklock I can drink coffee

I have a time limit

how many hours or minutes you do something

I have a time limit . before two ocklock I can drink coffee

I have a cutoff time
a cutoff: a limit you reach when you reach it, you stopI have a four drink limit. I cutoff after four drinks

cutoff time

I work until six pm, and because I need a work life balance I cutoff at six.
the flavor or smell is not that big criteria
I really love to drink a good flavor of coffee
its kind of booster to me

its kind of booster to me

Coffee gives me a kick. = gives you energya kick= when you go faster at the end of the race
even though I just drink one shot coffee, my heart really runs fast and I can feel that my productivity runs high.
then I usually order a decaf coffee or just a small amount of the coffee, short size. one small beverage.


the a sound goes high in the middle of the mouth
시너지라는 표현은 잘 안씀
when I imagine working at an independent, local coffee shop that would be a peak to me. to work better. however if I could not meet my teammates, it can cause serious problem because we cant make a synergy we can work together, we can have a common mindset, collaborate . I usually have a small talk with my other colleagues and I can catch a good idea

I can catch a good idea

their ideas rub off on metheir... rubs off on meI had a friend who was a bad student and his bad habits rubbed off on me. I can pick up good ideas from themI can pick their brains: to ask someone what they think about an option
there are lots of tools to have a meeting remotely, facing each other

facing each other / 대면 아니더라도 사용

대면표현 : being in the same room as each other
if there are small , I witness small board which notices something, so if I look for a job then I could put something on that job notice board/ job search board
or , maybe I should release news advertise myself about me on at that local coffee shop, I could have a chat with the x and I could keep asking if you know someone
the bar staff could be the bridge between me and some company

the bar staff

in a coffee shop, the baristascashier: the person who takes your order and takes your money, grocery store or cafethe workers, the staff, the people behind the counter
racist = a person who does racism
barista= a person who does bar coffee
