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오랜만에 화상영어 링글 수업 복습하즈아

by 그네* 2024. 8. 6.

Quite a project

I finished my parent's house renovation project last week.

-> I finished renovating my parent's house last week, which was quite a project.


Quite a ...

a big ...


It was quite a problem.

It was quite a big deal.


Renovate Vs Remodel

renovate = better state : 더 나은 상태로

remodel = different shape : 구조 자체를 바꾸는 거


highlight of my year!

It was a great moment of this year for me!

It was definitely a highlight of my year!


to exceed one's expectations

They said it was more than expectation.

-> They said it exceeded their expectations.

Tend to v , goals for the year

I normally do not have any goal of year.

=> I don't really tend to give myself any goals for the year.

=> I don't really tend to give myself any yearly goals.

Changing = Turning

I took the turning of the year as an opportunity to start afresh and make some changes in my life.


the turning of the year = when the year becomes new

I'm turning 28 in two weeks.


Have p.p, with ing

We share our daily post every day. Till now no one skipped a day!

=> We've been posting every day, with no one having skipped a day so far!

=> We've been posting every day. No one has skipped a day so far!

Recollect = look back on = remember

It is great to recollect the memories of last month, of this year. I could remember the day

It's a great way to look back on memories, remembering the past days, months and year.


to remind someone of something

to remember something


Despite ing

Everyone on the team was a junior level employee, and we still won, despite normally more senior employees usually winning.


Despite preferring coffee, I drank tea.


Ended up ing

I made a team and our team wonMy team ended up winning


오늘의 링글 수업 후기

오랜만에 대화가 술술 풀리는 선생님을 만났다.

역시 사람이 리액션이 좋고 편하니 이야기가 술술 나왔다. 

한동안 놓고 있던 영어를 오랜만에 하니 백치 아다다처럼 어버버 거렸다. 

참 영어랑 운동은 해야지 해야지 하면서도 실천하기가 쉽지 않다. 

그래도 수업 안했으면 저얼대 내 입에서 나오지 않았을 고급 어휘나 표현을 하나라도 배워서 다행이다. 

안하는 것보다 낫자나!



